
The epic love affair between Jack McIntyre and Caroline Gerard continues…




“I’m never going to stop loving you, Caroline. It’s just not possible.”

Major Caroline Gerard returns from a dangerous mission battered and bruised. Terrified to confront the emotional and physical gap between her and her husband, she’s determined to do whatever it takes to avoid reality.

Commander Jack McIntyre has been tasked with saving American democracy, but he has to save his marriage first. He’s desperate to regain the passionate connection that he and his wife once shared. And a man on a mission will sacrifice anything to succeed.

In the meantime, the rebellion is in need of a catalyst to spur international action to stop President Santos’ increasingly unstable behavior. As Caroline and Jack repair their hearts, each day brings new secrets and new challenges, and a revelation that could shatter everything they thought was true.

Rhapsody is the fifth book in The Bellator Saga. It should be read after the first four books in the series.


Buy links:

AmazonUS: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyUS

AmazonUK: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyUK

AmazonCA: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyCA

AmazonAU: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyAU

B&N: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyNook

iBooks: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyIBooks

Kobo: http://bit.ly/RhapsodyKobo

Smashwords: http://bit.ly/RhapsodySW


And don’t miss the Release Day Party (kicks off at 2:45CT): https://www.facebook.com/events/1058195787621401/


Happy reading, my friends! Only one book left. 🙂

One thought on “RHAPSODY is LIVE!

  1. I tried to stop reading. Every book was more uncomfortable- especially with today’s politics. Jack and Caroline, so much love. Everything she went thru broke my heart. I was looking for anything positive. So I read the first few and was ready to quit- then she found Jack!! These books are so disturbing because rationally it could happen. I’ll try to stay with them and not read the last page!!


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